
Fietsmenu departure point
All routes start and end at Roodehaan eten & drinken & camping, situated at Roodehaansterweg 9, 9963 TC in Warfhuizen, 17 kilometres north of the city of Groningen.

The Bike-ride menu (Fietsmenu) is available from 2 May to 29 September 2018, starting from 11:00 in the morning; other times available on request.

Bicycle hire

You can ride the route on your own bike, but you can also hire bikes with gears, a tandem or an E-bike from Fietsmenu. The rates per day are:

Bike with gears € 8,-

Tandem € 12,-

E-bike € 20,-

Rijwielhandel Guikema


  • For a fully catered package, you pay € 39.95 which includes a three-course menu.
  • The rate for children up to the age of 14 is € 29.95 per child.

The rates include coffee with cake, a picnic for along the way and a three-course menu after the ride.

Any drinks and bicycle hire are not included. The tyre repair set and the cool bag are on loan, please return them when you have completed your ride.

You can book a Bike-ride menu (Fietsmenu) on or by calling Roodehaan on +31 (0)595-571598.